Severe Storm in Texas with Tornado Sirens

Описание к видео Severe Storm in Texas with Tornado Sirens

On June 10th, 2009 at about 7:00pm a line of very strong severe storms that were moving east at 50 mph made it's way into our area with a confirmed tornado on the ground directly west of our house. Not sure of the extent of the damage in that area quite yet due to the power going out and not coming back on until after 11pm and by then the news was already over. Although I had to go pick up a friend in Plano and can tell you that there was quite a bit of damage between here and there; street signs bent and broken off, stop lights broken from there metal harness and hanging from the poles, power out pretty much everywhere, several intersections completely blocked off for unknown reasons, large trees broken at base; fences down everywhere. In one area in Plano of about a half mile stretch the trees look like they were snapped by rotating winds and debris all over the road so possible small tornado in that location. You can't hear it very well in the video but at the beginning of the first video clip it sounded like a freight train and was the most eerie sound I've ever heard, that's why we said that's a tornado which is unconfirmed at this time but definitely possible seeing the rotation up and down this line was primarily in the front of the line.

Well, like I mentioned in the video I'll update tornado reports when I find out more information. Hope you enjoyed yet again another very severe storm in North Texas.

Also, I apologize for the excess of conversation in the video. I couldn't get my dad, sister, and her boyfriend to stop chatting like a bunch of school girls.


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