Let's Talk | Poco India Rebranding to Continue | Poco F2 STILL Missing

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Let's Talk | Poco India Rebranding to Continue | Poco F2 STILL Missing

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Poco India's director Anuj Sharma, recently gave and interview to Indian Express and talked about rebranding and Poco F2. In this video we cover Anuj's conversation with Indian Express and our take in Poco's rebranding strategy and Poco F2.

Indian Express Article :- https://indianexpress.com/article/tec...
Poco India Twitter Profile :-   / indiapoco  

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Xiaomi Poco F1, Black (Buy from Amazon) :- https://amzn.to/2J8mScJ
Xiaomi Poco F1, Blue (Buy from Amazon) :- https://amzn.to/2PH4zOm

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