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http://www.redcross.org.uk/ British Red Cross. Or to the Red Cross in your country.

A massive earthquake, the seventh largest recorded in history, struck the east coast of Japan on Friday 11 March.

The earthquake, measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale, triggered a tsunami which hit the east coast of Japan with 7-metre-high waves, leaving a trail of destruction.

More than 2,000 people have died in the disaster and some 2,000 are injured. The number of confirmed dead is expected to rise to around 10,000. The earthquake triggered fires and caused severe damage to buildings, leaving 1.2 million homes without electricity and 1.4 million without water.

The Japanese Red Cross has been working on the ground since the disaster began, mobilising 85 teams, made up of more than 700 doctors, nurses and support staff, to provide first aid and healthcare and assess the damage and needs of the communities affected.

More than 500,000 people have been evacuated and are being housed in temporary centres set up in schools and public buildings where the Red Cross is distributing thousands of blankets.

The Japanese Red Cross has agreed to accept donations from the UK.

In the event that we receive more donations to the Japan Tsunami Appeal than the Japanese Red Cross and International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement can reasonably and efficiently spend, any surplus funds will be used to help us prepare for and respond to humanitarian disasters both here in the UK and overseas.


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