Baalbek Temple - The largest and best-preserved Roman Temple in the world | Ancient civilizations

Описание к видео Baalbek Temple - The largest and best-preserved Roman Temple in the world | Ancient civilizations

This is an excerpt from the video "Lebanon: The Other Shore - A magical tour throws light on the multi-faceted Middle East country".
Watch the video in full length here:    • Lebanon: The Other Shore - A magical ...  

In the Greek myth, Agenor, King of Tyre, had two beautiful children, Cadmus and Europa. Captivated
by the grace of Princess Europe, Zeus appeared as a white bull and carried her off over the sea. This episode sums up Lebanon better than any other: a tiny country with a long history, torn between East and West.

▷ 0:00 - Intro
▷ 00:05 - Byblos, Lebanon - Oldest inhabited city in the world

#documentary #history #lebanon #archeology #middleeast #ancienthistory
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The journey takes us to the holy city of Baalbek, today located in Lebanon. Initially under Phoenician influence, it was later conquered by the Greeks and then the Romans. In Hellenistic times, it was called Heliopolis. With its ancient city filled with priceless vestiges of its past greatness, and its modern city filled with art galleries, Baalbek is a true splendor set at the foot of Mount Lebanon. Three temples were built here by the Romans, at the request of the emperor Augustus, and are still well preserved. They are dedicated to Bacchus, Jupiter and Venus. In a quarry near the city, the "Stone of the Pregnant Woman", a monolith weighing over 1,000 tons, was discovered. The Temple of Baalbek dedicated to Bacchus, god of wine, festivity, fertility and theater and madness, is one of the best-preserved temples in the Greco-Roman world, and one of the finest examples of Roman art. The city then came under the control of the Rashidun Caliphate before being conquered by the Ottomans in the early modern era.

Produced by Institut du Monde Arabe
Directed by Alain Jomier

© Licensed by Digital Classics Distribution


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