Introducing the STR Step Motor Drive

Описание к видео Introducing the STR Step Motor Drive

The STR series stepper drives are compact, powerful, digital step & direction drives available in two power ranges: 4.5 A/phase (STR4) and 8 A/phase (STR8). These drives are great for OEM applications requiring basic step & direction control of a 2-phase step motor.

In this video, Jeff Kordik (AMP's CTO), walks through the STR drive and its many features. Highlights include advanced microstepping performance and sophisticated current control with anti-resonance. Anti-resonance electronically damps motor and system resonances, which improves motor smoothness and torque over a wide speed range.

Products mentioned in this video:
STR Stepper Drives:
NEMA 17:[]=NEMA+17
NEMA 23:[]=NEMA+23
NEMA 24:[]=NEMA+24
NEMA 34:[]=NEMA+34
Power supplies:

Each STR step motor drive operates in either step & direction or pulse/pulse control mode. Selecting between these two modes is done by moving a jumper located under the cover of the drive. Each STR drive can microstep up to 20,000 steps/rev with a 1.8º step motor (1/100 step), and can even microstep the step motor when the command pulses are low resolution. This feature is called microstep emulation. All drive setup is done via dip switches and a rotary switch on the side of the drive, including motor selection, running current, idle current, and step resolution.

Helpful articles:
Introducing STR Stepper Drives:
Introducing STR Step Motor Drives:
Did You Know? Labeling Drives and Controllers:
Introducing STR2 Stepper Drives:

STR stepper drives are available with a large family of compatible 2-phase step motors, selected to optimize performance of both the drive and motor.

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   • Introducing the STR Step Motor Drive  


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