Q-Compliance Demo

Описание к видео Q-Compliance Demo

Maintaining and demonstrating compliance with multiple regulatory regimes is
often implemented by manually collecting evidence of human activity, business
processes, policies, and snapshots of limited technical data such as vulnerability
scans and configurations on a quarterly or annual basis. Q-Compliance solves
this problem by approaching the solution from a security and risk management
perspective, applying a compliance lens into near real-time data from across
your enterprise, and delivering it as a native Splunk Powered App. As the digital
enterprise has evolved, and the number and complexity of threats have
increased, stay a step ahead of the curve with Q-Compliance: the real time cyber
compliance continuous monitoring solution.

Qmulos’ continuous monitoring and risk management suite provides an innovative solution to enable operational security and Converged Continuous Compliance™️. Leveraging Splunk’s big data platform, Qmulos empowers organizations to unlock their data to gain real-time visibility into their compliance posture for ANY environment, framework, control, and data source.


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