Why people HATE Lebron James

Описание к видео Why people HATE Lebron James

This is a complete rundown of why Lebron James is the most hated NBA player of all time. These are observations and a rehashing of where the hate comes from but in a more condensed form. I have Lebron at No. 2 all time however most of the hate he gets is by his own doing for the most part. The amount of hatred and venom directed his way after leaving Cleveland the first time was unlike anything any athlete has experienced and it's a shame that he had to go though it but that's where the lions share of malice towards him starts.

0:00 LeIntroduction
0:59 LeHYPE
5:40 LeDecision
8:17 LeFlop
9:19 LeGM
11:20 LeExcuse
13:42 LeChina\LeTwitter
16:31 Crowning Himself
17:34 LeConclusion



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