"Kubra's defense of Fatima's children against Vahid's threats"

Описание к видео "Kubra's defense of Fatima's children against Vahid's threats"

Today, Kobri was at home with Fatima's children. The children were playing in the yard and Kubri was cooking when suddenly she heard a knock on the door. When she opened the door, Vahid, her nephew, entered. His cold and angry look showed that bad news was coming. Vahid entered the house angrily and said to Kubri without any introduction: "Why did you bring these children here?"

Kubri, who was always known as a kind and caring woman, replied calmly: "These children need care. Fatima has gone on a trip and I have taken responsibility for these children until she returns."

But Vahid became more cruel and continued: "This house does not belong to you! You have to get these children out of here. Listen to me, everything has to be arranged!"

Kobra replied in a calm and firm voice: “Wahid, these children are not only my guests, but also my best friends. I will take care of them until Fatima returns. Although this house is small, our doors and hearts are always open to these children.”

Vahid, who could not control his anger, began to throw things at the house. At this moment, the children ran into the house from the yard and were scared when they saw Vahid messing up the house. Kobra quickly hugged them and calmed them down.

“Nothing will be lost, you are safe,” Kobra told the children and then stood facing Vahid and said authoritatively: “This house will be safe for Fatima’s children. No one can take them from me. Even if you are my brother, you should know that I will never allow anyone to harm these children.”

Vahid left the house angrily and thought to himself. Now in this delicate and difficult situation, Kobra knew only that he had to take the best care of his children until Fatima returned.

When night came, Kobra sat down next to the children and said to them, “Fatima will return very soon and you will be together again. But until then, I am here to take care of you.”

The children, now feeling safe, fell asleep. Kobra wondered how he could resist the pressures of others and still remain loyal to his friendship.



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