Red Black Tree Insertion | RB Tree Insertion Algorithm | Data Structure

Описание к видео Red Black Tree Insertion | RB Tree Insertion Algorithm | Data Structure

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Red Black Tree Insertion Algorithm:
Step 1 - Check whether tree is Empty.
Step 2 - If tree is Empty then create the newnode as Root node with color Black then exit .
Step 3 - If tree is not Empty then insert the newnode with color Red.
Step 4 - If the parent of newnode is Black then exit from the operation.
Step 5 - If the parent of newnode is Red then check the color of parentnode's sibling (uncle) of newnode.
Step 6 - If it is colored Black or NULL then make suitable Rotation and Recolor it.
Step 7 - If it is colored Red then Recolor. Repeat the same until tree becomes Red Black Tree.

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