Adilio Porto - Spiritual Zouk by Adilio Porto & Renata Pecanha - 25 Anos de Danca Adilio Porto

Описание к видео Adilio Porto - Spiritual Zouk by Adilio Porto & Renata Pecanha - 25 Anos de Danca Adilio Porto

Amazing Choreografy that start all history of the Brazilian Zouk !!!
2 times ...In the beginner of Brazilian Zouk and after with the Cia de Danca Jaime Aroxa... sucesso não é o final e o fracasso não é fatal: o que conta é a coragem para seguir em frente

ADILIO PORTO (Dancer, Dance Teacher & Choreographer)
Adilio Porto has been working with dance since 1988. The start of his professional career in dance was marked when Jaime Aroxa invited him to enter Jaime's Dance Academy in Botafogo (Rio de Janeiro), after seeing Adilio dance at the 1st Lambada competition at 'Roxy Roller' ('Roxy Roller' was the first place for Lambada dance in Rio de Janeiro).
He joined Jaime Aroxa's dance company and started to work as a dance teacher at the academy. Adilio worked 10 years for Jaime and considers him as one of the best dancers in the world. He divides his dance career in two parts: before and after working with Jaime Aroxa.

After working with the Lambada dance, Adilio started to spread the rhythm of Zouk Love all over Brazil. This turned out to be a great success for both him and Jaime and JAIME started new dance academies in several cities all over Brazil. Adilio was sent out into Brazil to teach the rhythm of Zouk Love.

Adilio has participated in a lot of different events, such as congresses, movies, television, theater and shows. The media and teachers in Brazil regard Adilio as the best dancer and teacher of Brazilian Zouk in the world.

Adilio taught most of the Zouk teachers in Brazil what they know; . The largest dance company specialized in Brazilian Zouk was owned by Adilio and is now managed by his former EX wife and EX dance partner Renata Pecanha.

Adilio currently works in Europe. It is his goal to use his experiences from Brazil to make the knowledge of Brazilian dances grow in Europe and Australia .
Adilio Porto Organize 3 congresses -
Zurich Zouk Congress & Sydney Zouk Festival & Oslo ZoukFestival !!!!

Adilio Porto says:"Let's think about dance and let's get united so that all people that do not dance will get to know dance and the joy it can bring. Long live dance. Life is much happier when we are dancing."


Zouk - que significa festa - é uma dança praticada no Caribe, mais frequentemente nas ilhas de Guadalupe, Martinica e San Francisco. Assim como o merengue o zouk é dançado trocando-se o peso basicamente na cabeça dos tempos musicais.

No Brasil, utiliza-se o ritmo Zouk para dançar uma dança 100% brasileira. Ela é oriunda da lambada, porém, com movimentos mais adaptados ao andamento da música. A lambada era muito rápida e frenética, praticamente impossibilitando muitos passos que existem hoje.

Nossa escola foi uma das inventoras do Zouk. Jaime Arôxa trouxe a lambada pro Rio de Janeiro em 1990 e daqui sairam os melhores dançarinos de lambrada da época, inclusive Adilio Porto e Renata Pessanha, que eram dançarinos da Cia de Dança Jaime Arôxa que quando abriram sua própria escola trataram de desenvolver passos mais adaptáveis a essa nova forma de dançar, então uma boa parcela dessa onda do Zouk se deve , em primeiro instante ao Jaime Arôxa, e em segundo instante a Adílio Porto e todos os adeptos que se espalharam pelo Brasil inteiro.

Jaime aroxa


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