Nemesis Characters: Scout

Описание к видео Nemesis Characters: Scout

Alright, team, the U.S.S. Nemesis is under attack, but we have no idea what it is that's causing it. Our units have gone in, but not a single soldier has come out... time for a different approach. We'll scout the area and go with a stealth operation to locate the source and eliminate it. The corporation wants us to all carry security keys and a motion scanner because apparently, those things make a ton of noise. They also want us to retrieve some samples in order to learn more about this new threat for the science division. Get in and get out.

0:00— Character overview
2:17— Unique Actions
8:09— Starting Item/Quest Items
13:33— General Actions/ Conclusion

The Scout is best suited for stealth inside of Nemesis and has quicker means of escaping than the rest of the crew. Learn about her deck inside this module and how best to utilize her.


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