Day 11 Starting a New F2P DBL Account // Dragon Ball Legends

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Day 11 Starting a New F2P DBL Account // Dragon Ball Legends

Dragon Ball Legends Free to Play Content who tries to help new players by giving tips, tutorials, guides and discussions

My 2nd Channel
   / @f2pblue  

Discord Link
  / discord  

#dblegends, #dragonballlegends, #summon, #giveaway #dblegends2024

First goal is to have fun with the game, yes we all get shafted but its the good moments of pulling that ultra you wanted or Lf that makes the feeling so good.

Pretty much to say i do Dragon Ball Legends Summon for new characters and returning characters.

Summons are seperated into 2 categories, Ultra Summons and Legends Limited Summons

Ultra bait banners are returning ultra banners brought back to tempt players to spend their hard earned in game currency

Dragon ball legends tutorials on the basic dynamics of the game, this includes events, items, strategies amongst others.

Equipment tutorials are there to help new players who dont know how to upgrade equipments to make their chaaracters stronger

Here are some playlists that you might find useful

Dragon Ball Legends Ultra Summons
   • Dragon Ball Legends Ultra Summons  

Dragon Ball Legends Should you Summon
   • Dragon Ball Legends Should you Summon  

Dragon Ball Legends Giveaway
   • Dragon Ball Legends Giveaways  

Dragon Ball Legends Equipment Guide
   • Dragon ball Equipment Guide  

Dragon Ball Legends New Legends Limited Summons
   • Dragon Ball Legends New Legends Limit...  

Dragon Ball Legends Tutorials
   • Dragon Ball Legends Tutorials  

   • DB Legends PvP  

Dragon ball legends, db legends, dragon ball legends 2023, dragon ball legends 2024, db legends tutorials, summon, db legends summon, dragon ball legends summon,ultra bait banner, ultra bait banner summon, fusion, saiyan, future, god ki


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