Alex Gabriel vs Hunter Dabbs W/Dakota Gage, Elijah Owens -OWO SuperShow May 4th, 2024

Описание к видео Alex Gabriel vs Hunter Dabbs W/Dakota Gage, Elijah Owens -OWO SuperShow May 4th, 2024

One of, if not THE best match I’ve had thus far in my career. Leading up to this I had defeated 2/3 thirds of Parental Advisory so it was only a matter of time before Hunter and I locked horns. Hunter has a gift that very few posses and uses it to the best of his ability. But this night, he soon found out he had bit off more than he could chew. Gage/Owens constantly sent cheap shots along the way. But as always, I bounced back. That put doubt on Hunter’s mind, and it ultimately led to him at the time, leaving his jewels at home and making a cowardly move with a chain. Sure, it got em the win, but think about it..who really won that night? I’ll leave that to yall!


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