21 Hearts: Vivian Bullwinkel and the Nurses of the Vyner Brooke

Описание к видео 21 Hearts: Vivian Bullwinkel and the Nurses of the Vyner Brooke

A compelling true story of the celebration of women’s strength, love and hope in the face of adversity.

Written by Jenny Davis
Directed by Stuart Halusz
Featuring Caitlin Beresford-Ord, Rebecca Davis, Michelle Fornasier, Alex Jones, Helen Searle and Alison van Reeken.

Vivian Bullwinkel was one of 65 Australian nurses who boarded the Vyner Brooke in an attempt to flee the Japanese invasion of Singapore in February, 1942. Bombed by Japanese fighter planes and after spending days at sea, she and some other survivors found their way to Radji Beach on Banka Island where they surrendered. In one of the most atrocious acts of war crimes in our history, 22 nurses were forced to march into the sea where they were callously machine gunned. The only survivor and witness, Vivian spent the rest of the war in a prison camp before liberation, and her remaining years fighting for recognition of the bravery of her friends and colleagues; their strength and courage in the face of death sustaining her for the rest of her illustrious life.

21 Hearts relays the resilient Aussie humour displayed by the women in the camp and provides a respectful and authentic voice to those who were silenced, remembering them for who they were and not just for what happened to them.

A story of hope, courage, resilience and heart.

Featuring 6 of WA’s most outstanding actors, 21 HEARTS is a celebration of the human spirit and an uplifting, inspiring story which reminds us of the great futility of war.

Como Theatre, 16 Preston Street, Como, Western Australia

Wednesday 30th Oct | 11am & 7pm
Thursday 31st Oct | 7pm
Friday 1st Nov | 11am & 7pm
Saturday 2nd Nov | 2pm & 7pm
Wednesday 6th Nov | 11am & 7pm
Thursday 7th Nov | 7pm
Friday 8th Nov | 11am & 7pm
Saturday 9th Nov | 2pm & 7pm
Sunday 10th Nov | 5pm

*Our April world-premiere season sold-out so make sure to get in quick for this return season in October/November!



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