福音的大能:瞎眼看見|蔡岡廷牧師 Pastor Matt

Описание к видео 福音的大能:瞎眼看見|蔡岡廷牧師 Pastor Matt



In the beginning, God created humans with the ability to see the richness of His creation and to know their purpose and plans. However, after humanity sinned and fell, spiritual blindness separated us from God, preventing us from seeing the glory of Christ. Yet, Jesus came to restore our spiritual vision, enabling us to regain divine vision, imagination, and dreams in the Lord. Through Him, we can once again understand God's unique purpose and plan for each of us.
The power of the Gospel lies in this: when the Savior Jesus finds us, He opens the eyes of our hearts, allowing us to see and rediscover hope and faith that come from God!

Scripture Reference: Luke Chapter 18 verse 35–43


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