Chromosome Nondisjunction Animation

Описание к видео Chromosome Nondisjunction Animation

Chromosome Nondisjunction Animation - This video lecture explains the mechanism of chromosome nondisjunction and the result of nondisjunction in chromosomes. Phase of the first round of my eye division homologous chromosomes separate and migrate opposite poles during anaphase of the second round of my else's and this applies to mitosis is well/chromatin separate and moved opposite poles mitosis is responsible for producing the haploid cells from original diploid plant cell have common sense to separate from one another during either around of meiosis results and non-disjunction this can occur in meiosis or mitosis in either sex, down segregation begins with the diploid cell at the start of meiosis and focus on pair of homologous chromosomes as they segregate this pair can represent either sounds for sex, sounds, down consists of two sister commented is joined at their centre near the first my activation homologous chromosomes separate resulting in tumour cells each containing para sister commented during the side of my eye division Central is split in two sister commented segregate different cell is the end result is for haploid cells each with one sister commented now call the chromosome is amours is for haploid cells are called to needs when the fuse will again meet from the opposite sex diploid cells are produced by server happens when nondisjunction occurs during my else's one of the homologous, sounds failed to separate in one cell is produced with both homologues any other cell has no copies of this chromosome when a cell divides during meiosis to the central leaders of both sister, tens spread any segregate each of the two progeny cells themselves and ensure that they continue to copies of this chromosome instead of one of the other two cells produced there are no copies of this chromosome instead of the usual one with haploid carry on of the cell's prettiest abnormal for this chromosome out of the cells will have three copies of this chromosome instead of the normal two cells are said to be twice a week for this crime is down and the condition is called trisomy half of the cells will have only one copy of this chromosome the cells are said to be more sonic for this chromosome and the condition is called Ramasamy happens when nondisjunction occurs during the second meiotic division homologous chromosomes separate normally during meiosis one producing two cells each having a para sister, Ted if the sister commented on one of the cells fail to separate during meiosis to to abnormal cells are produced one having to copies of this chromosome any other having than normal chromosome segregation occurs on the other cell giving rise to 2 no haploid cells when the cell spheres with a normal haploid gamete to have the cell's prettiest have the normal self, sounds and produce diploid cells the other two cells for under abnormal one having three copies of this chromosome trisomy and one thing only one copy of the cell neck and disjunction produces an abnormal number of, sounds and a diploid cell may occur either during meiosis one of my assist you if it occurs in meiosis one of the cell's prettiest have an abnormal number of this chromosome that occurs in meiosis to 2 cells have the normal number of this crime is armed and two cells have an abnormal number nondisjunction of the sex chromosomes is responsible for a variety of human disorders such as Turner syndrome of Kenya with only one X and coins outer syndrome and nail with two axis and 1Y nondisjunction of the autosomes is responsible for Down syndrome trisomy 21. Thank You for watching our videos from Biology Animation Videos channel. This channel is created to compile animated biology lectures and videos from different animation sources. None of these videos are created by us. we just organize them and place them in YouTube for your understanding so If you want to know details about these animation please see the credit section for knowing the original content developer and please convey privilege and gratitude to them. Thank You.
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