Session 47- Niloufar Vadiati-Grassroots Digital Urbanism, Refusal, Sovereignty, and the Glitch

Описание к видео Session 47- Niloufar Vadiati-Grassroots Digital Urbanism, Refusal, Sovereignty, and the Glitch

Guest Speaker: Niloufar Vadiati
Ph.D. in Urban Geography
DFG Walter Benjamin Research Fellow, Digital City Science, HafenCity University Hamburg

Date and Time: 23 June 2024, 14-16 (ET), 20-22 (CEST), 21:30-23:30 (IR)

The dominant forms of digital urbanism, the disciplinary and top-down digital mediation of smart cities by city governments and the monopolist and entrepreneurial digital platformisation by giant tech companies, are being contested among many right-to-the-city and technological sovereignty activists, refusing to be excluded from the ‘backend’ of algorithmically foreclosed urban making.

Telling the tales of how these grassroots practices of computational urbanism are being unfolded and inter-related in the city of Berlin, Germany, this presentation explores how the refusal toward ubiquitous digital mediation of urban living and urban processes are being unfolded across space, body, power, and labor.

مقالات/کتاب‌های مورد بحث در این جلسه:

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Lozano Paredes, L. H. (2021). Platform Urbanism ‘Glitches’–Minor Theory for Researching Platforms in Latin American Cities. Available at SSRN 3931133.
Lynch, C. R. (2020). Contesting digital futures: Urban politics, alternative economies, and the movement for technological sovereignty in Barcelona. Antipode, 52(3), 660–680.
Maalsen, Sophia. (2022): The hack: What it is and why it matters to urban studies. In: Urban Studies 59/2, 453–465.
Russell, Legacy. (2020): Glitch Feminism: A Manifesto. London/ New York: Verso Books.
Sadowski, Jathan. (2021): Who owns the future city? Phases of technological urbanism and shifts in sovereignty. In: Urban Studies 58/8, 1732–1744.
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Voigt, Maja-Lee. (2023): We build this city on rocks and (feminist) code: hacking corporate computational designs of cities to come. In: Digital Creativity 34/2, 162-177.

The Fly-Bottle Team (
Intro music: "Sincerely" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Q&A music: "Sonatina in C Minor" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License


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