China Suzhou Travel Tips 苏州美景可远观不可亵玩啊!苏州四天三晚旅行经验总结!涉及花费景点介绍林林总总|拙政园|虎丘|留园|寒山寺|七里山塘|观前街|狮子林|同里古镇|周庄古镇

Описание к видео China Suzhou Travel Tips 苏州美景可远观不可亵玩啊!苏州四天三晚旅行经验总结!涉及花费景点介绍林林总总|拙政园|虎丘|留园|寒山寺|七里山塘|观前街|狮子林|同里古镇|周庄古镇

The just-concluded trip to Suzhou made me experience the other side of travel more clearly. Suzhou is a beautiful city. In just a few days, we visited Tongli Ancient Town, Zhouzhuang Ancient Town, Tiger Hill, Humble Administrator’s Garden, and Lingering Garden , Lion Grove these very representative gardens.
The scenery is beautiful but it is always a little bit unsatisfactory for tourists. I hope that everyone can feel at ease and comfortable during the journey, and enjoy the beautiful scenery and delicious food!


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