Awkward Zombie Fandub - Episode 5 - METAL GEAR SOLID SPECIAL

Описание к видео Awkward Zombie Fandub - Episode 5 - METAL GEAR SOLID SPECIAL

Since there are SOOO many Metal Gear Solid comics, we thought of making an episode with only comics from the series! Enjoy this episode based on Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker!

Comics Used:
Out of the Bag "445-446"
Better Off Tread "450-451"
Out of Sight, Out of Hind "448"

Voice Actors:
Edward James - Kaz
TheTigerWolf55 - Snake
Zac Elliott - Soldier 1
Sean Basinger - Soldier 2 & 3

Guest Star:
starrywishy - Amanda Libre

If you would like to see more comics, check out the official site:


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