Обзор и тест воздуходувок от Керхер/KARCHER Battery Leaf blower LBL 2 and LBL 4 review and test 2022

Описание к видео Обзор и тест воздуходувок от Керхер/KARCHER Battery Leaf blower LBL 2 and LBL 4 review and test 2022

Обзор и тест воздуходувок от Керхер/KARCHER Battery Leaf blower LBL 2 and LBL 4 review and test 2022

Осень, время собирать листя.
Сравнил две домашние воздуходувки от Керхер.

Спасибо за просмотр :)

⚠️ You’re free to use this track if you're not a brand or you're not working with one, and you must include the following credits in your video description (Copy & Paste):

Track: Aqua Unfold — WOMA [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch:    • Aqua Unfold — WOMA | Free Background ...  
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/aqua-unfold

⚠️ Request a commercial license:

If you are a brand or you are working with one,
you should request a license here: https://bit.ly/3SC9P5Y


🎵 Track Info:

Title: Aqua Unfold
Artist: WOMA
Genre: Dance & Electronic
Mood: Calm


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