Pacific Regional Workshop on Legal Identity and Identity Security

Описание к видео Pacific Regional Workshop on Legal Identity and Identity Security

Listen to Gloria Mathenge, SPC Social Statistician (#CRVS) at SDD and Lauren Moran, Assistant Director, Health and Vital Statistics at ABS on this Pacific Regional workshop on Legal Identity & #IdentitySecurity.

Universal and secure #legalIdentity in the #Pacific: the role of #Health
Information Systems, Civil Registration Systems, National Identification Systems and Information Technology #ICT is the theme of the 3-day workshop jointly organised by the #Statistics for Development (SDD) and #PublicHealth Divisions of the Pacific Community (SPC), the @Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific the Pacific Civil Registrars Network #PCRN and the @Pacific Health Information Network, and is supported by the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade #DFAT.


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