Worth the Wait - DRC Adoption

Описание к видео Worth the Wait - DRC Adoption

Song: “Bring You Where I Am” written & sung by me as we began our adoption...

In Spring 2012, we began the journey of bringing our daughter home. About 4 years later, on March 31st, 2016, we were finally able to. We left home not knowing when we could return. Two and a half weeks later, we finally were reunited with our other children and family/friends here in the US. Sisters who had only known each other through regular Skype sessions were now able to hug in person. :)

So many have supported us through so many ups and downs. A few representatives of this great cloud were able to come welcome us home at the airport. We are so thankful for a God, and a loving family who have been with us through it all.

PLEASE continue to pray for peaceful transition of political power, and a better tomorrow for the people of the DRC. There is so much being built even now, physically and culturally.

There is a beautiful strength in the middle of Africa, that has endured many years of oppression. The best tomorrow finds all children with families and parents able to support and sustain them as they grow and thrive.


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