
Описание к видео #ABtalks

أمير إقبال خان هو الملاكم البريطاني المحترف والمحب للخير. فاز خان بميدالية فضية في فئه الوزن الخفيف في أولمبياد 2004 ، وأصبح في سن السابعة عشر، أصغر ملاكم حاصل على الميدالية الأولمبية في بريطانيا. في هذا الجزء ، يجرد أنس أمير من جميع ميدالياته وألقابه ، وبذلك يصبح أمير الإنسان الحقيقي البسيط .

اطلع أمير أنس على طفولته وكيف تعرف على الملاكمة في المقام الأول؛ كيف أدت محاولة الأب المتواضعة لتهدئة ابنه النشط إلى بطل. أمير يتكلم عن الشكوك التي واجهها ، وكيفيه التعامل معها كشاب صغير أولمبي، وكيف أن الشهرة والثروة وضعا أعز علاقاته في الاختبار، بما في ذلك زواجه.

يصف كيف اجتاز واحدة من أصعب المراحل في حياته، في وقت كان يعتقد أنه فقد كل شيء. يناقش أهمية الإحسان وفن العطاء، وأيضًا رحلة كفاحه كونه رجل أعمال ، الجانب الذي لا يعرفه الكثيرون عن أمير خان.


يجلس أنس مع شخصيات فريدة ويقدم مقابلات حصرية، وأحياناً جريئة. يتم اختيار كل ضيف بشكل دقيق وتكشف كل حلقة عن تفاصيل لم يتم التحدث عنها من قبل. من المعروف عن الضيوف أنهم ملهمون ومؤثرون ومختصون كلٌ في مجاله.

هذا البرنامج يسلط الضوء على الجانب الصريح والإنساني للعديد من المنجزين والمشاهير والمؤثرين وصانعي الصيحات (ومحطميها)؛ كبشر.

Amir Iqbal Khan is a British professional boxer and philanthropist. As an amateur, Khan won a silver medal in the lightweight division at the 2004 Olympics, becoming at the age of 17, Britain's youngest boxing Olympic medalist. In this Chapter, Anas strips Amir of all his medals and titles, bringing the ‘true’ Amir to the forefront; the simple and laidback human being.

Amir walks Anas through his childhood and how he got introduced to boxing in the first place; how a father’s modest attempt at calming down his energetic son led to a champion. Amir opens up about the skepticism he faced, his coping mechanism as a young Olympian, and how fame and fortune put his dearest relationships to the test, including his marriage.

He describes how he pulled through one of the darkest phases in his life; a time when he thought he had lost everything. He discusses the importance of charity and the art of giving, and also the struggles of also being a businessman; a side to Amir Khan not many know.

Anas Bukhash takes a seat with unique personalities resulting in exclusive and sometimes daring conversations. Each guest is hand-picked and each episode reveals details that have never been talked about before. The guests are known for being inspirational and influential; experts in their respective fields.

This show shines the spotlight on the raw and human side of various achievers, celebrities, influencers, trendsetters (and breakers) as human beings.

00:00 - Intro
1:40 - Your childhood.
5:35 - Boxing was a sport that no Pakistani, no Muslim was doing.
6:17 - Do you think it got to you? The fame, the power, the money?
8:18 - Do you think it’s too much for a human being to get all the flood of attention suddenly? Do you think it’s dangerous?
9:37 - When money gets involved, it gets really hard.
10:44 - Changing so much, these trainers; do you think you’re the problem?
16:58 - Do you think it’s easy for Faryal (Amir’s wife) to be married to such a popular guy?
18:38 - Choosing between your family and your wife.
21:37 - Do you feel, in the end, it all comes to you?
22:59 - Why the charity?
24:30 - The ‘giving’ mindset.
26:45 - How does somebody survive all of these stabs?
28:05 - I literally turned against everybody.
29:03 - I don’t like how divorce has become a drive-thru.
30:00 - Hand operation.
32:34 - They think money brings them happiness, but it’s not.
36:06 - Do you trust people more easily now?
38:46 - Do you have any regrets?
39:43 - What do you think today makes you feel that you’re valuable?
41:22 - Do you think you’re a good father?
41:59 - ‘Amir’ in one word.

Produced by: Bukhash Brothers

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Website: http://anasbukhash.com/

Follow Amir Khan:
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Facebook:   / amirkingkhanpage  
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Website: https://www.amirkhanworld.com/


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