Beast! Baofeng UV-25, UV-25, unboxing, program, CHIRP. Is that a radio in your pocket?.. // SY1EBE

Описание к видео Beast! Baofeng UV-25, UV-25, unboxing, program, CHIRP. Is that a radio in your pocket?.. // SY1EBE

Baofeng UV-25, UV-25, unboxing, Menu, CPS programming software, CHIRP // SY1EBE

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Video index
00:34 Unboxing
02:08 Battery info
04:09 UV-25 assembly
05:33 UV-25 weight
08:20 Menu
15:10 Scanning unknown frequency
19:09 Programming from PC
24:38 Boot logo replacement
25:14 Conclusion

CPS programming software:

User manual:
US version:

EU version:


personal blog: https://nobugsjustfeatures.wordpress....

Υπενθύμιση για όσους κάνουν κλικ στο "dislike": δεδομένου ότι δεν γράφετε τη διαφορετική "εξειδικευμένη" γνώμη σας στα σχόλια, η ενέργειά σας είναι απλώς μια μάταιη άσκηση στην τέχνη του να αγνοείσαι. “Disliking silently? Your opinion’s in stealth mode.” 😄👎Reminder for those who click on "dislike": since you don't write your differing "expert" opinion in the comments, your action is just a futile exercise in the art of being ignored.#baofeng

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Products featured in this video were provided by the manufacturer for review. My opinions are my own and are not influenced by any sponsorship or partnership agreements.

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Please be sure to review my full disclaimer before watching or reading content from "The Problem to Your Solution" channel: https://nobugsjustfeatures.wordpress....

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