How Matt Wells Can ELEVATE K-State's Offense

Описание к видео How Matt Wells Can ELEVATE K-State's Offense

After the departure of Collin Klein and an alright, if at times uninspiring bowl game offense called by at the time interim offensive coordinator and current offensive line coach Conor Riley, it seemed as if Riley would be guaranteed at least a hand in the offense in the near future. What K-State fans didn’t know was if Riley would be calling the plays alone as the lone offensive coordinator. Fast forward a week, give or take, and the answer to the question of if there would be another name tasked with coordinating the offense was given. Matt Wells, former head coach of Texas Tech, Utah State and at the time offensive analyst at the University of Oklahoma was tagged with the role of co-offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach.
While we don’t technically know how much of the playcalling duties will be his, what we can do is look at his past as a quarterbacks coach and offensive mind to see what his influences have been and what his offenses have looked like in the past. This should give us a more complete idea of what to expect, whether Wells himself is calling the plays or if he’s just the one scheming up the passing game.


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