Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk, Cinderella, The Princess and the Pea, and other classic Fairy Tales are combined into this Silly Fractured Fairy tale written by author Jill Ross Nadler aka Storyologist (and Storyteller!) Page Turner.
Fractured fairy tales are a fun way to give old stories a new twist! In the Mixed Up Fairy Tale, Page Turner and Kenny need the viewers to help them break a spell or Beauty will sleep for 100 years. Red Riding Hood to give up her cape, discover the secret under grandma’s bed, climb a beanstalk and retrieve a golden spoon from a giant.
Fairy tales are also a fun way to teach Social Emotional Learning. Persistence and perseverance are themes in this story, as well as kindness and friendship.
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Story Transcript:
When you get to Beauty’s Castle, you knock on the door.
Uh oh, everyone inside the castle is sleeping.
Then you see beauty.
“Beauty, wake up,” you shout. Beauty yawned and woke up.
“I can’t stay awake.”
“A witch put a sleeping spell on the castle.”
“No one can stay awake. We need your help.”
“Hello,” said the Fairy God Mother. “You look upset. Is there problem?”
“It does sound like a Sleeping Spell. That’s okay, you can break the spell if you find three things.”
“One: you must find is a red cape with a hood.”
“Two: Wolf’s fur, but the wolf must be good.”
“Three: A giant’s golden spoon.”
“And you must be back before twelve noon.”
“Hi,” says Red Riding Hood. “I’m going to bring my grand some cookies. Would you like some? They're delicious!
Ooh, yeah. I want some cookies.
Okay. Get ready to catch, because Red Riding Hood is going to toss her cookies.
“Can we borrow your red cape with the hood, please?” you ask Red Riding Hood. “We need it to break a spell.”
“A spell?” said Red Riding Hood. “Of course you can borrow my red cape with the hood.”
“I do know a very nice wolf,” says Red Riding Hood. “He lives at Grandma’s house.”
Who do you find when you get to grandma’s house? Yes, it’s the wolf!
“Come in,” said the wolf. “Don’t worry, I’m good. I even cleaned grandma’s house and baked a pie. I used to huff and puff, but then I learned how much better it is to be kind.
It does seem like this is a good wolf. What do you need from the wolf? Yes, some fur.
“Can we borrow some fur, please?” You ask.
“Well, I happen to have some right here in my pocket. Here, catch.”
Got it!
Hey, we have two of the three things. We have the red cape with the hood and fur from a good wolf. What’s the last thing we need?
Yes, a giant’s golden spoon.
“Do you know what we need to get to the clouds?” asks the wolf.
“A beanstalk?” you guess.
Exactly! Says the Wolf. Beanstalks grow from magic beans. Those can be hard to find. I’ll sit on grandma’s bed while you look around for magic beans.
“OUCH!” shouts the wolf.
“Grandma’s bed is very uncomfortable,” says the wolf. “There’s something under the mattress. What do you think it could be?”
What do you think it is?
“Yes, it’s a magic bean!” says the wolf. “If you plant that in the backyard it will grow into a beanstalk.”
Outside, you plant the bean in the ground, and the bean begins to grow taller and taller and taller!
What do you do? Yes, you climb the beanstalk up to the clouds. In the clouds, you see the giant’s castle and you hear a sound, listen…
“Fee, Fi, Fo, Foon. I’m the giant with the golden spoon.”
“Howdy,” says the giant. “Welcome to my big dude ranch in the sky. How can I help y’all?”
“Can we borrow your golden spoon?” You ask.
“I’m afraid not,” he says. “I need my spoon to eat my favorite food, chocolate pudding.”
“Oh, no,” you say. “We need the spoon the break the spell or beauty will sleep for a hundred years.”
Then you have an idea, maybe you can give the giant something else to eat. Hmmm…what can you give him. Wait, what do you have in your pocket? Yes, Little Red Riding Hood’s cookies. Can you pretend to toss your cookies to the giant?
“Those are delicious,” says the giant. “Thank you! You may have my spoon.”
Thanks, Giant!
You did it. You found all three things, good job!
The Fairy God Mother is waiting for you back at Sleeping Beauty’s Castle.
“Hello!” she says. “Did you find all three things?”
You show her the red cape with the hood, fur from the wolf who was good, and the giant’s golden spoon.
The Fairy God Mother puts the cape and the fur in a big pot, then she mixes it with the giant’s golden spoon. There’s a big puff of smoke and when it clears….
Beauty and everyone in the Castle wake up just as the clock strikes noon.
“Oh, thank you,” says Beauty.
You’re welcome you say. And guess what everyone in this story lives…
Happily Ever After.
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