Physical activity - it's really important. Why Should I Be Physically Active?

Описание к видео Physical activity - it's really important. Why Should I Be Physically Active?

Which is best sport for health?
how long should i exercise every day?
can I exercise once a day and rest of day spend sitting?

Middle aged woman. If she is physically inactive, she experienced a 52% increase in all-cause mortality, including. Cardio vascular mortality and cancer related mortality.
Second Example.
Rats, selectively bred, for high and low physical activity.
Physically active rats lived almost 50 % more. Then physical inactive rats.
So, we can say: physical activity increases life span in mammals.
Third example:
After getting covid, patients who are physically inactive have higher risk of hospitalization and death. Compared to patients who are physically active.
So physical activity helps us even from COVID 19
Forth example:
Physically active men and women, exhibited a 30%–40% reduction in the relative risk of colon cancer.
and physically active women a 20%–30% reduction in the relative risk of breast cancer. compared with their inactive counterparts.
Even in people who already have cancer, physical activity was associated with a decreased recurrence of cancer and risk of death from cancer.
Mental Health:
Many studies support physical activity as a noninvasive therapy for mental health improvements in cognition,
Physical activity decreases risk of : depression, anxiety;
Neurodegenerative diseases (for example, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease).
and drug addiction.
You may have a question: what kind of physical activity is better?
2 type of physical activity exists:
Aerobic physical activity and muscle-strengthening physical activity.
Physical activity in everyday life and exercise training is mainly an aerobic activity, where a majority of energy production occurs via oxygen-dependent pathways. It has biggest health effects.
Muscle-strengthening physical activity, is referred to in everyday language as “strength training” or “resistance training”; and is a form of physical exercise/training; that is primarily intended to maintain or improve various forms of muscle strength and increase or maintain muscle mass.

For health aerobic physical activity is better. Although muscle strengthening physical activity has its advantage. For example, if you want, muscular and stronger body, muscle strengthening is important.
But for pure health effects – aerobic exercises is superior:
Aerobic exercises examples: walking, playing tennis, running, cycling.
Aerobic activity health effects:
During aerobic exercise:
Formation of new capillaries; - Increased aerobic capacity.
Improved endothelial function - Lower risk for cardiovascular disease, improved function in heart disease.
Improved glucose transport and insulin sensitivity; - improved health in people with type 2 diabetes. Or prevent it.
Improved blood pressure regulation. - Lower risk for cardiopulmonary disease.

Improved blood lipid profile - Lower risk for cardiopulmonary disease in elderly and Alzheimer’s risk.
Improved peripheral nerve function - Better coordination, balance and reaction, especially in children and elderly.
Enhanced release of signaling substances – resulted: Better sleep, less anxiety, treatment of depression.
Improved hippocampus function-Improved cognition and memory, less medication is needed.
Improved immune function - Decreased overall risk for disease, anti-inflammatory effects.
Strengthening the connection between brain, metabolism and immune function.
Decreased risk for disease, improved metabolism, decreased risk for depression.

And what kind sport disciplines is better for overall health?
There is strong evidence that both running and football improve heart function, aerobic capacity, metabolism, balance and weight status.
Football was additionally shown to benefit muscular performance.
Also racquet sport is highly effective it decreases risk of death by 47 %
While aerobics 27 %;
Swimming 28 %;
Cycling 15 %.
We can conclude, that football and racquet sport has highly effective health benefits.

All children and adolescents are recommended at least 60 minutes daily physical activity. Longer is better.
All adults from 18 years of age and above are, recommended to be aerobically physically active at least 150 minutes a week; at a moderate intensity, or at least 75 minutes per week at vigorous intensity (marked pulse increase).
One can meet the daily recommendations for physical activity by brief, high-intensity exercise, and remaining physically inactive for the rest of the day, thereby creating a “polarization” of physical activity.
Having a high dose of conscious physical training, despite having a low energy expenditure in normal life, due to high volumes of sedentary time.
Polarization of physical activity may lead to increased risk of poor health despite meeting the recommendations for physical activity. So, no cheating is allowed.

Benefits of Physical Activity


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