S2000 Titanium Exhaust with OEM Tips Part 2

Описание к видео S2000 Titanium Exhaust with OEM Tips Part 2

Most after market exhausts have a major compromise.

Either, Too loud, Too much Drone, Look bad, fall apart and so on.

After 25+ years of building, tuning and owning Hondas, I'm pickier than most.
I don't want the negative, but I do want sound and I don't want the heavy stock system.

We're building a quiet exhaust from my car, we're trying to have a nice sound and shave maybe 20-30 lbs and keep the stock AP2 tips.
Also I want to keep the car, I don't want the rotten egg smell and most modern cats work very well.

Continued testing with the Cool Air mod. I know this isn't ideal for standing water but I want to test it in a heavy rain storm to see if it's feasible.

We' continue to build headers and test a few on the market. Most headers don't seem to make much power over stock, but most I think it dues to tuning them.
Tube size, length and pairing have a lot to do with the overall power gains.

Part 1

   • LHT S2000 NA Package - Most power sto...  

Part 3

Header Building + Testing - NA S2000 Part 3
   • LHT AIR BOX MOD  with new SCOOP  Test...  

Check out the LHT Store for our new Hoodies and look out for Part 3

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LHT Guys Hoodie:

John Favorite,
The Long Sleeve . He wears them under an LHT T Shirt:

The Head Band Light :

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