Public Speaking Master - Affirmations to help you become a Public Speaking Rockstar

Описание к видео Public Speaking Master - Affirmations to help you become a Public Speaking Rockstar


The theory (we believe it is much more than just a theory!) is that when you first start saying your positive affirmations, they may not be true, but with repetition they sink into your subconscious mind, you really start to believe them, and eventually they become your reality, they become a self fulfilling prophecy and actually become true.

Over time they overwrite any limiting or negative beliefs you may have about yourself or about not being able to do something, and replace them with positive thoughts and beliefs which instill confidence, belief, positivity, ambition and much more.

As you listen to these affirmations, you will find yourself feeling more positive than before the video began.


Hope this video inspires and motivates you to take action. :)

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I am a brilliant public speaker.
I am a master at public speaking.
I am a genius at public speaking.
I am a master public speaker.
I am amazing at public speaking.
I am a public speaking master.
I am a public speaking genius.
People are in awe of my incredible public speaking ability.
People envy my ability to be a confident public speaker.
I was born to be a great public speaker.
I hear a roar of applause as I stand proud and confident in front of my audience.
My message is clear and well received.
I am embraced by my audience.
I easily connect with the audience.
I choose to be courageous and speak in public.
I speak with clarity and power.
My memory is sharp at recalling the key points of my speech.
My body moves naturally during my speech to enhance my message.
I choose to be calm and relaxed in front of my audience.
I am a confident public speaker.
I am relaxed when speaking publicly.
I am at my best when speaking to a large crowd.
I am excited and positive when giving a public speech.
I am a naturally calm public speaker.
I am a great public speaker.
I always speak calmly and clearly.
I am fearless when speaking to large crowds.
I am a successful public speaker.
Others admire my ability to speak publicly.
Public speaking is easy for me.
I enjoy speaking to large groups.
I am a natural public speaker.
I have a powerful and confident voice.
Others admire my ability to get up and deliver a great speech.
Public speaking energizes and excites me.
I love talking in front of people.
I am naturally calm when I speak.
People see me as someone who is a great speaker.
I find public speaking to be easy and enjoyable.
Speaking in Public comes naturally to me!
I am always excited when I speak publicly!
I am a Confident Public Speaker!
People love the way I speak!
I enjoy being on stage!
I easily connect with my audience!
I Prepare My talk and Practice till I am Confident!
I am grateful to be sharing ideas and speaking in front of people.
I am always Relaxed in front of my audience!
I love speaking in front of large crowds!
I am confident and Relaxed when I speak to a gathering.
Others admire the Way I speak and connect with the Audience.
I look forward to any speaking opportunity - I grab it!
I know my Subject well as I prepare thoroughly.
I stay Calm when speaking publicly .
I Practice - Practice and Practice.
I can't imagine ever being fearful to speak in public again.
Today is the beginning of feeling at ease in front of people.
I am starting to feel confident speaking in front of people today.
I am grateful to be sharing ideas and speaking in front of people.
I am speaking with passion and purpose today.
Today is the best day to speak up in front of people.


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