Indonesian Salad | Urap Sayur | Tangy Refreshing Aromatic

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Enjoy this wonderfully simple and tangy Indonesian salad! Liven up your table and your tastebuds with this refreshing aromatic dish. It is a perfect pair with the sweet and spicy tempeh I made last week.

You shall require the following:

Green Beans - Large Handful
2 Cups Yu Choy Leaves
Mung Bean Sprouts - 2 Handfuls
2 Cups Napa Cabbage - 2 Large Handfuls
1 Cup Carrot

2 Fresh Red Chillis
2 Lime Leaves
1/2 TSP Kelp Flakes
3 TBSP Hot Water
1/2 TSP Ground Coriander
1 TBSP Raw Sugar
1 TSP Dark Miso Paste
2 TSP Galangal
2 TSP Garlic
1 TBSP Lime juice
1 TBSP Rice Vinegar
1/4 Cup - 1/3 Cup Dry Shredded Coconut (to your liking)
Water - for dry coconut
1 TBSP Coconut oil
Salt if you desire (taste first)



Remember to remove the lime leaf stems.

Kelp flakes is what is used to provide a from the sea flavour.

Miso provides salt, but taste and see if you want it to be more salty.

You may like to use fresh coconut and shred it up. In that case, there is not need to add water for the coconut. Of course, you drain the dry coconut after hydrating it.

If you want, I think tahini would work well in this dressing. I haven't seen it in the number of recipes of urap sayur, but I think it would be nice to blend in with the dressing.

Chopped peanuts would also be nice to top off this dish.

Cilantro would be a nice finishing touch, if you are a cilantro fan.

Feel free to remove the seeds and membrane from the chilli peppers if your heat tolerance is low. Otherwise, I suitable alternative may be a little cayenne in the mix.

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Let me know how you found this refreshing salad with the tangy aromatic lime dressing. I certainly enjoyed this Javanese dish with my sweet and spicy tempeh! If you want to get fancy you can incorporate this dish into a vegan tumpeng. That has a rice cone in the middle and an assortment of dishes surrounding it. Care goes into presentation with that one, and it is often served for occasions.

Here's the link to the tempeh dish for your convenience:

   • Sambal Goreng | Sweet Spicy Tangy Tem...  



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#urapsayur #indonesiansalad #indonesianfood #veganrecipes


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