What are these STRANGE CHAINS OF LIGHTS in the Sky?

Описание к видео What are these STRANGE CHAINS OF LIGHTS in the Sky?

Have you spotted strange trails of lights moving across the sky during 2020? Are they birds, planes, meteors, or aliens? Actually, they’re something else entirely.
Find out more about the so-called skytrains in the first of a series of videos about SpaceX’s new Starlink enterprise. If you have footage of the Skytrains, we’d love to hear from you!

With thanks to the many people who captured Starlink on camera (Adrianoperetti, Ivan Vagner, Dan Black, Jack Lishman, tatablog, lonevagabod, PCh_Thoughts), the very clever Mark Handley from UCL, and the owners of one of my favourite sites on the entire internet, Celestrak.

Find out more:

Music: To Have to in Least Water - pATCHES

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