Top 10 wii platform games

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Top 10 wii platform games

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen or everyone in between, In this video countdown we are counting down our picks for the top 10 wii platform games. This is in our opinion the best platform games on the wii.
If you disagree or think that we missed any wii platform games or your favourite wii platform game, then let us know in the comments,
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This is Game On on our channel we make Top 10 Game list videos
So If you like Nintendo games like switch games, wii u games or wii games.
Maybe you prefer older games like gamecube games or nintendo 64/ n64 games.
You might be looking for retro games like gba games, ds games, snes games, nes games or even gameboy or gameboy color games.

You might not like nintendo and are looking for sony playstation games or sony psp games Or if you prefer sega games like gamegear games or mega drive games/genesis games, master system games maybe saturn games or dreamcast or maybe your into microsoft xbox games, or the newer consoles like xbox 360 or xbox one, or if you want windows games or other pc games.

Or if you are a mobile gamer, and only play on your phone you might want to see android games or ios.
if you want indie games or upcoming we got you covered, that content will be here too,

Tell us what you would like to see next, if you like the List format top 10 videos, or if you would like top 5, or any other number or if you want to see gameplay or lets play videos or you want upcoming games. Or if you would like a video or videos of specific genres, a specific console or maybe a specific year or if you would like other game related content.
We want to know what you would like to see next, so don´t be shy tell us in the comment section.

Consider Subscribing:    / @gameon-bo9mf  


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