How to reduce swelling in legs during pregnancy?- Dr. Shefali Tyagi

Описание к видео How to reduce swelling in legs during pregnancy?- Dr. Shefali Tyagi

Swelling in legs is a very common symptom of pregnancy. When you become pregnant, you have extra amount of water in your body. From five liters of non-pregnant levels, the blood increases to about six and a half liters in pregnancy. .
Because of gravity, the extra water goes in to your legs and it manifests as swelling..
At the end of the day, you can dip your feet in warm water and add a bit of salt to it. When you are sitting in office or at home, you can keep a stool or a dust bin in front of your leg, keep your leg up. At night you can keep a pillow beneath your ankles. .
All this will help you put the water in your legs back in circulation so that the swelling will decrease..
The blood pressure monitoring is done every antenatal visit, if you blood pressure is not high, you need not get worried about your swelling in legs at all..


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