It happens only in India | KGF | ECL | Cold mine | Bright fact

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It happens only in India.

KGF. You must know about this!

But you know about ECF?
Then watch this video.

Hello friends welcome to my Channel Old Student.
It happens only in India means that something you never seen. The most mysterious thing happens in India which you are not aware.

Since 70 years Indian some people looted our national asset. Yes natural resources are most powerful tools to develop any country but India failed. India has huge coal still India import coal from other countries.

In my district, since 100 years coal production is happening but those all are disappeared. Who are looting these most expensive and demanding metal black diamond?
Watch this video till end and you can understand that how Indian coal mine was looted.
India could developed highly but it not because of thousand of scams killed Indian economy.
No one try to find out that Coal is best Natural asset to get many more develop from this. But it was looted by
Indian many powerful people. Natural resources are main sources to build economic.

Why India is a poor county?
Why India is still black and white?
Why India not developed?
Most mysterious fact in India.

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