Story of Thomas Cook, First Organised Tour Operator

Описание к видео Story of Thomas Cook, First Organised Tour Operator

On 5 July 1841, an English businessman Mr. Thomas Cook conducted world’s first packaged tour by train that comprised around 485 tourists, each of whom paid 1 shilling to travel with him. Though there was an earlier excursion too in 1839 by train organised by Grosmont Church as a fund raiser but we cannot term it as a Package Tour in commercial sense so Thomas Cook’s on 5 July 1841 is the first organised commercial excursion. Simply put, today is the day when the concept of Package Tour was introduced to the world and today we all are a part of this great industry that runs by passion and has survived all triumphs and tribulations. Last almost two and a half years have been really hard on us as tour operators yet we all survived and are now getting back on track once again, rather much stronger. We pledge to be in the travel trade all our lives and contribute our bit to this great industry that helps economies grow and nations prosper. Pat your back guys for being a part of travel industry today - We at Tornos ( are proud to be a part of the tourism industry!


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