A Present from the Future || Drarry/Harco || gachaclub

Описание к видео A Present from the Future || Drarry/Harco || gachaclub

(this is by far the longest video I have ever made..
it took forever because of the lag in editing)

I'll explain some things about the future if your confused with some of the stuff they said

so Harry and Draco are both dating and as the video said, they also proposed to each other at the same time, which surprised both of them. (I might make a video about that)

Ron and Blaise are both in a more recent relationship. Ron confessed by having the exact same tattoo Blaise has on his arm. It's stupid and brave but it still worked. (lucky)

Hermione and Pansy on the other hand are just friends. Hermione has a crush on Pansy which only Ron, Harry and Draco (because he over heard their conversation) knows about. Pansy's feelings towards Hermione aren't clear yet.


happy birthday to who ever has a birthday today!


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