01. CinemaDNG Workflow: Editing a Multicam Music Video - DaVinci Resolve 9 and Premiere Pro CC

Описание к видео 01. CinemaDNG Workflow: Editing a Multicam Music Video - DaVinci Resolve 9 and Premiere Pro CC

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This series of three tutorials takes you through the entire CinemaDNG post-production workflow - from creating proxies to final export - for editing a multicam music video using DaVinci Resolve 9 and Adobe Premiere Pro CC.

01. Creating Proxies - http://bit.ly/14L2iWB
02. Working with MultiCam - http://bit.ly/14xVw2s
03. Final Color Grading and Export - http://bit.ly/16spTOs

01. Creating Proxies - Part one of the series shows you how to use DaVinci Resolve 9 to create low-resolution proxy files from your CinemaDNG footage. Topics covered include: importing footage, linking audio, applying basic color correction, and proxy export settings.

02. Working with MultiCam - Part two of the series takes you through creating a multicam sequence in Adobe Premiere Pro CC. Topics covered include: importing footage, creating a multicam sequence, syncing multiple clips with audio, adjusting video tracks to fix sync issues, editing, flattening, and exporting a multicam sequence for import back into DaVinci Resolve 9.

03. Final Color Grading and Export - Part three of the series covers importing an XML file into Resolve for final color grading and exporting back to Premiere Pro. Topics covered include: importing an XML to Resolve, color grading, master export settings, importing back into Premiere Pro and final export settings.


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