
Описание к видео 042.學簡譜《偏偏喜歡你》“前十六後八”

《怎樣識簡譜》《看簡譜唱歌》由畢業於中國音樂學院的音樂家——多樂器演奏家; 作曲兼指揮 ,何彬老師,用他40多年的演奏和教學經驗,帶您從零起步學簡譜。此系統全教程選用耳熟能詳的歌曲作為範例,淺顯易懂,循序漸進!無論您是學習唱歌還是樂器,此教程適用於所有熱愛音樂的同好!
"How to Read Numbered Musical Notation" is designed by composer and conductor Bin He, a distinguished graduate of the China Conservatory of Music, where he was classical trained as a Multi-instrumentalist and a composer.
It aims to teach participants how to read numbered musical notation, whether or not they have any prior music background. The course integrates popular Chinese songs to make the learning process easy and enjoyable. This course is beneficial for all music learners!


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