Sweet Lucy

Описание к видео Sweet Lucy

Raul de Souza, um dos maiores trombonistas do Brasil e do mundo é homenageado nesse show. O meu obrigada muito especial a todos os brilhantes artistas por sua participação, à toda a incrível equipe, e também ao Clube Manouche - todos fenomenais!! Gostaria de assinalar que o trombonista Léo Ramiro, aos 21 anos de idade, representa Raul de Souza no palco: a prova da capacidade do surgimento de uma sucessão de novos talentos na música brasileira.
Agradeço de coração à queridíssima Yolaine de Souza, viúva do gigante Raul!!

Raul de Souza, one of the greatest trombonists in Brazil and the world, is honored in this show. My very special thanks to all the artists and team for their participation, and also to Clube Manouche - all of them simply phenomenal!! I would like to point out that trombonist Léo Ramiro, at 21 years old, represents Raul de Souza on stage: proof of the capacity for the emergence of a succession of new talents in Brazilian music.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to dearest Yolaine de Souza, widow of the giant Raul de Souza!!


Show at MANOUCHE @clubemanouche
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, March 2024

A Carol Jazz Design production (with logo)

“Sweet Lucy”
(Raul de Souza)

Glauco Sölter - bass
Marcos Nimrichter - piano
Eduardo Neves - flute, sax
Arimatéa – trumpet, flugelhorn
Leo Ramiro - trombone
Fofo Black - drums
Luana Mallet - vocals
Ella Fernandes - vocals
Tai - vocals

Estêvão Casé - sound
Pedro Moreno - sound and light

Yolaine de Souza - artistic consultancy
Glauco Sölter - musical direction
Carol Rosman - production and artistic direction

Video - Gabriela Gusmão and Iara Sampaio
Editing - João Pedro Vilhena

Special thanks:
Eve Mach
Bernardo Vilhena


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