泌尿科醫師回答體外震波碎石後五個最常見的問題 Urologist answers the five most common questions after ESWL

Описание к видео 泌尿科醫師回答體外震波碎石後五個最常見的問題 Urologist answers the five most common questions after ESWL

五個最常見的問題包含1、什麼狀況要提前回診或至急診就診? 2、為什麼震波碎石後會有血尿? 3、震波碎石術會傷害腎臟嗎? 4、震波後可以運動嗎? 5、結石的病人在飲食上有沒有需要注意的地方? 衛福部臺北醫院泌尿科製作。

The five most common questions answered by urologists after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) for stone fragmentation include:

Under what circumstances should I seek early follow-up or visit the emergency room?
Why do I experience blood in my urine after shock wave lithotripsy?
Does shock wave lithotripsy cause any harm to the kidneys?
Can I engage in physical exercise after undergoing shock wave lithotripsy?
Are there any dietary considerations for patients with kidney stones?
Produced by the Department of Urology, Taipei Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare.


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