THE MOST HEAVILY ARMOURED TANK DESTROYER | T-10M vs AMX-50 Foch | Armour Penetration Simulation

Описание к видео THE MOST HEAVILY ARMOURED TANK DESTROYER | T-10M vs AMX-50 Foch | Armour Penetration Simulation

The simulation presents the most powerful Soviet tank shell of the 1950's impacting the upper frontal armour of the French AMX-50 Foch experimental tank destroyer, from 250m.

The 122mm BR-472 Armour-Piercing Capped Ballistic-Capped (APCBC) projectile, fired by the T-10M, was the most powerful tank shell the Soviets had access to, until HEAT and sub-calibre rounds became available in the 1960's. The BR-472 projectile has been modelled with variable hardness, increasing from the base to the nose.

The AMX-50 Foch featured an extremely thick upper glacis, being 180mm @55°. It has been modelled as 250BHN RHA.

Amazing Thumbnail Artwork From: Warthunder


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