"File hosting" again..but racing related. Inside the SCCA Runoffs, 1987.

Описание к видео "File hosting" again..but racing related. Inside the SCCA Runoffs, 1987.

I was originally going to apologize to the subscribers for doing this again..but maybe not so much this time. This will end up being posted up on a Facebook group where old friends reunite, relive our common past, and tell "racing lies' like crazy. It also shows us working together, and playing in the road. No damn wonder we all still feel so close to each other all these years later.

The 'music video' for the first 8 min or so is actually something one of my friends made. You think creating 'original content' is difficult *now*? Try it with at home couple of VHS decks and a '80s era audio box. Home-built analogue was a bitch, y'all.

The rest of it seems to be the amateur "raw footage" my buddy took that weekend, and it blows my mind.

Rare looks at the inside of Race Control, Medical (back when they were volunteers, too!), Timing & Scoring, Technical Inspection, and even Sound Control. IMO, a remarkable document of what working a race was like back in the late '80s to early '90s.

The raw footage is not for the squeamish, it includes the extraction of an injured driver. And stuff like that is why so many of us on the damn FB group are so close. We all did that *together*.

I'm actually in this vid several times..I'm the corner worker with the felt fedora that had the black hat band.


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