Sci-Fi for Book Snobs

Описание к видео Sci-Fi for Book Snobs

Long-time viewers of this channel will not be too surprised to hear me admit that I am maybe a little bit of a book snob. I try to hide it, but I’m not always successful at that. What I mean by book snob is that I’m a demanding reader: if I’m reading a book with tired tropes and character traits I’ve seen a dozen times or a book lousy with present participle clauses, or when the author inserts themselves into the narrative to interrupt the story and give me preachy social commentary, I’m not going to be happy and I’m likely to come on this channel and let you good people know about it.

However, one of my reading goals for 2024 is to broaden my reading horizons, to read outside my usual genres which are literary fiction and horror. With that in mind, in this video I want to talk about sci-fi.

I have some serious hang-ups or reservations regarding sci-fi. Some of them are legit, I think, and some of these hang-ups are due to personal and professional experiences and the biases I’ve formed from them, which I’ll share with you in a minute. But despite, these hang-ups and biases, there have been a few sci-fi books that I have really liked, some I have loved, actually. And I’m not afraid to admit it. I’m not that much of a book snob, after all. #books #booktube #reading #bookrecommendations #sciencefiction

Music used in this video
Terry Riley (performed by Kronos Quartet) Anthem of the Great Spirit: Half Wolf Dances Mad in Moonlight

I have books out: short story collections and novellas of psychological horror and dark literary fiction.
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