Sweet honey-sucking bees & Yet sweet take heed - John Wilbye

Описание к видео Sweet honey-sucking bees & Yet sweet take heed - John Wilbye

As performed by Stellenbosch Madrigal Singers on 30 November 2018 in the Old Conservatoire, Stellenbosch.


Sweet honey-sucking bees why do you still
surfeit on roses pinks and violets
as if the choicest nectar lay in them
where with you store your curious cabinets?

Ah make your flight to Melisuavia's lips
there may you revel in ambrosian cheer
where smiling roses and sweet lilies sit
keeping their springtime graces all the year

Yet, sweet, take heed
all sweets are hard to get -
sting not her soft lips.

Oh beware of that,
for if one flaming dart
come from her eye,
was never dart so sharp.
Ah then you die!


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