Black Molly Fish Care (Need to Know)

Описание к видео Black Molly Fish Care (Need to Know)

Molly fish care starts with getting an adequate aquarium size. You will also need a heater because they need tropical water temperatures. Another super important variable is your Molly fish male to female ratio. If keeping too many males in the same tank you were going to suffer from probable aggression. Molly fish are constantly trying to breed and the males can get extremely aggressive and assertive and sometimes even kill the females.

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I consider this a fairly easy fish to take care of but you have to be careful of that aggression scenario involving the female to male ratio. You’re going to want to give these fish adequate amount of space to move. This means keeping them in a 20 gallon aquarium or larger. Some of the Aquarium layouts are better suited for these fish because they are longer and give the fish more swimming length side to side.


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