Porn Stars Without Makeup

Описание к видео Porn Stars Without Makeup

"Porn stars are usually caked in makeup, but now, they're taking it all off.

In March, a stunning photo series by makeup artist Melissa Murphy showed what x-rated celebrities look like when they truly bare it all by removing lipstick, eyeliner and blush. Now, Murphy is back with another montage of cosmetics-free adult stars that we'd like to call "Not On My Face Vol. 2"*

Makeup artist Melissa Murphy has released another pictorial of pornstars before and after makeup, with a few very surprising results. The picture have gotten Murphy work as a makeup artist (understandably). Are these, and most women better off without makeup? Cenk Uygur, Jimmy Dore, and Cara Santa Maria discuss.

*Read more from Huffington Post:

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