Hamster Products I Regret Purchasing

Описание к видео Hamster Products I Regret Purchasing

Hi everybody!
In today's video I will be showing you some of my most regretted hamster product purchases.
I hope you find the video helpful or enjoy it (or both haha)! 😄
Here's a link to the waterbottles vs bowls video I mentioned:    • Water Bowls or Bottles for Hamsters? 🌊  

Be sure to let me know what products you regret buying for your pet! 😉

#hamster #pet #petcare #information #productsiregretbuying #cute

It's been a while since my last full-length upload, and, surprisingly, I'm back with a non-DIY video lol! 😆
As much as I love making hamster DIY'S those things are TIME CONSUMING. 😖
Like I mean a DIY video takes me hours and hours to edit over a span of weeks 😅 (as most of my videos do).
Then the actual DIY takes a good chunk of time, too.
Eh, anyways, I actually enjoyed editing this video since it wasn't too long or complicated, yay 👍.
The only problem was I literally had to export it off my editing app 5 times.
And, if you don't know, the exporting process takes about double the time of the video (or more) in my experience.
So that's like 12+ minutes of waiting for the video to export only to watch it over and do it again.
ANYWAYS, what I was really trying to get at is that my editing app was being very dumb. 😒
Each time I watched my newly exported video there were SO MANY GLITCHES.
Parts of the video would be out of sync, the audio cut out or was gone completely, those little animated stickers I always add were on parts of the video I never placed them in.
It was confusing. 🤯
But, nevertheless I kept on exporting until I came out with a video that had no glitches.
It took a while 🥲, but at least everything went fine in the end.
I was scared that I wouldn't have something to upload like I promised on my community tab lol.
The pressure was on. 🤣
But, uh, yeah... I hope you enjoyed reading about my very glamorous life behind the scenes haha.
If you're a youtuber, do you have the same struggles with weird, glitching editing software?
The worst thing about video editing is that, because everything is digital, when electronic stuff goes wrong there's nothing you can do. 😰
Ah, well, it's all part of the hobby I guess. 😉
Thanks for reading my essay, hope you're having a good day (or night)!!


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