Therapeutic Activities for Persons with Dementia Caregiver ~ Nurses ~ CCM ~ CRC ~ CDMS

Описание к видео Therapeutic Activities for Persons with Dementia Caregiver ~ Nurses ~ CCM ~ CRC ~ CDMS

This is a preview of the CareerSmart Learning online continuing education course Therapeutic Activities for Persons with Dementia. It is worth 1 CEU & is pre-approved for Caregivers, Nurses, CCM, and CRC. Go to to purchase this course.

Objectives of this course are to be able to: describe dementia and common behaviors associated with dementia, define therapeutic activities and describe the benefits of therapeutic activities programming for persons with dementia, identify meaningful activities for persons with dementia using a person-centered approach, identify the steps in assessing activity needs of a person with dementia, describe strategies to measure the outcomes of a successful activity program, and explain how any activity program can be modified to accommodate the individual needs of a resident with dementia.

Course is approved for 1.0 continuing education unit-CEU-contact hour to the following profession:

Nurses (RN, LVN, LPN) (all states)
Certified Case Managers (CCM)
Certified Rehab Counselors (CRC)

We provide online continuing education to nurses, case managers, rehab counselors, OSHA, workers' comp, & RCFE admins.

#CaliforniaCaregiver #NurseCEUs


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