Appletun - Solo - 7 Star Torterra Raid - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet

Описание к видео Appletun - Solo - 7 Star Torterra Raid - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet

Rating: 8/10. No NPC requirements. Build details in description.

Appletun @ Shell Bell
Ability: Any
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 160 HP / 80 Def / 252 SpA / 16 SpD
Modest Nature
Apple Acid
Giga Drain
Iron Defense

Vitamins: 16 HP Up (or Health Mochi), 8 Iron (or Resist Mochi), 25 Calcium (or Genius Mochi), 1 Zinc (or Clever Mochi)
Feathers: 2 Genius Feathers, 6 Clever Feathers

Stats at lvl 100 w/ perfect IVs:
HP : 401
Defense : 216
Sp.Atk.: 328
Sp.Def.: 200
Speed : 96

NPC Advantages: no requirements. attack debuffers (tauros, staraptor, arcanine, toxpaex), sylveon (moonblast), bellibolt (light screen), drifblim (willo-wisp) and gardevoir (life dew) help.

Strategy: giga drain, apple acid. giga drain and/or apple acid until your stats reset. iron defense, amnesia. giga drain when you need HP. terastalize on the first attack once the shield is up. iron defense, amnesia, apple acid to victory.

Notes: if you'd prefer a simpler EV spread with max HP and nothing in Def/SpDef it should be fine. if you don't have an NPC intimidator, it may be best to do just 1 amnesia and 3 iron defenses to discourage torterra from using earthquake because a critical hit at +4 attack will 1HKO appletun.

Pros: supereffective tera type matching base type, excellent HP and special attack stats. resists earthquake, earth power, and wood hammer. no weaknesses. amnesia buffs special defense 2 stages. iron defense buffs defense 2 stages. giga drain and apple acid both have 100 accuracy and deal supereffective STAB (tera-boosted when terastalized) damage. giga drain has 75 base power and heals an amount equal to 50% of damage dealt. apple acid has 80 base power and debuffs special defense 1 stage. shell bell heals when attacking, an amount equal to 1/8th of damage dealt.

Cons: can't debuff attack or special attack. mediocre defense and special defense stats, outsped by torterra


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