E-Turbo Technology | Garrett - Advancing Motion

Описание к видео E-Turbo Technology | Garrett - Advancing Motion

The growing trends toward hybridization opens up possibilities to transfer electric boosting technology from racetrack to road. Garrett is pioneering E-Turbo technology to deliver superior performance, fuel economy and emissions, by integrating state-of-the-art, ultra highspeed electric motors and power electronics into it’s turbocharger product families.

Electric Turbo Innovation

Electrified Turbos show exciting potential and equal applicability in both light & commercial vehicles, in all fuels such as gasoline, diesel and natural gas (CNG)

learn more: https://www.garrettmotion.com/electri...

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See the future of automotive technology with Garrett – Advancing Motion.

Garrett is a cutting-edge technology provider that enables vehicles to become safer, more connected, efficient and environmentally friendly.
We lead the development of innovative and differentiated solutions which empower the transportation industry to redefine and further advance motion.

We partner with the world’s leading car and truck manufacturers, creating the turbocharging, electric boosting and connected vehicle systems central to the latest generation of fuel efficient and lower emissions vehicles.

more information at https://www.garrettmotion.com/

Twitter: @GarrettMotion

Twitter: @GarrettMotion


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